Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Okay, I am way too tired to put forth the effort needed to write a decent blog tonight.  Was up late last night finishing Dr. Who Season 5.  Woke up around 8:30 this morning and DID NOT go back to bed after Ben went to work.  Packed, packed, and packed (wasn't I doing that around this time last month too???).  Loaded some of the more fragile stuff in my car and headed to York with the pups at 8:30.  Forty minutes later and I started unloading the fragile stuff from my car much to the chagrin of the neighbors that had to deal with Frazier and his barking spell.  He has those "barking spells" a lot.  Especially when someone decides to leave his sight.  Which is slightly ironic, since he is blind.  Am trying to get all of my stuff that is still in the living room of the York apartment to its appropriate places in the house so the movers can bring stuff in tomorrow.  Have to stay up until at least 1 tonight so I can give Frazier his shot around then.  That way I won't have to worry about giving him his morning (1st shot of the day) shot until around 1 pm.  The movers are starting at 10 so they should be ready to drive by 12, I'd say.  Even if it means I have to help them.  Which I wasn't planning on doing cause my dogs (the feet kind) are tired, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.  I'll have to leave here no later than 8:15 to make sure I am back in Cockeysville by the time the movers show up at/around 9:30.  It's going to be a LONG day tomorrow, but hopefully it will all be over by 5.  So, not much of a post, but with the move happening tomorrow and my days being devoted to unpacking instead of packing, I'll hopefully have more time and energy to blog in earnest starting on Thursday.

Until tomorrow!