Sunday, April 10, 2011

2 Dogs and a Cat

The picture on my profile shows all of my babies.  Gracie, the black dog on the left side of the picture, has been my baby for 7, almost 8, years now.  She was 3 when I got her and she’ll be turning 11 in July.  Wow.   We’ve had a really good life together.  I affectionately call Gracie, “Cuddle Bug”, because she loves to give hugs.  If I am sitting on the couch she will put her two front legs on my lap and then lean her head against me.  She also gives really good kisses.  Gracie absolutely loves it when someone says her name.  Just one utterance of Gracie and her tail starts to wag with what can only be described as unabashed enthusiasm.

Frazier, the tri-colored dog to the right, is actually Ben’s dog, but he has sort of adopted me.  Our relationship did not start out very well.  Ben and his mom saved Frazier from Death Row (which he had been on and saved from at least 3 other times) and he has some residual issues from that time in his life.  He plays all cute and cuddly until you try to touch him and then he snaps – literally.  I think he’s bitten me three or four times.  Thankfully, he’s only broken the skin a little and that was mostly my fault for trying to rescue my hand from his clenched teeth.  Underneath his gruff exterior (which is built purely of fear and distrust in mankind) is a very loving, protective, sweet, little dog.  My nickname for Frazier is Beedlebug.  It’s sort of an adaptation of Sesame Street’s Twiddlebugs.  Don’t ask me why I chose that name for him. It just seems to fit him.

The cat in the picture is my sweet baby Samantha.  She has been with me since she was a kitten.  While I really love the dogs, Sami has a special place in my heart.  As others can attest, the only person she likes is me.  I don’t know why.  I don’t believe anyone has ever done anything mean to her.  I just know that from the moment I walk in the house until the moment I go to bed she is there.  She follows me around the house, she sits on my lap, and she sleeps on the pillow by my head.  You’d think she was a dog.  I affectionately call Samantha, Pinky or Twinky or Pinky and the Brain (Gracie is the brain).  I know, it's a little weird, but, I'm okay with that.

Some days, I wish I could have a farm with hundreds of animals.  I'd have cows and chickens, alpacas and horses, mice and rats and rabbits, cats and dogs, a giraffe and a panda (okay, probably not, but that would be cool), pigs and ducks, and definitely goats and some sheep. Most days I'm just happy with the three adorable pets I already have.   I love them, they love me and that's all that matters.

Until tomorrow.

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