Monday, April 18, 2011

Another pet peeve

I have another pet peeve to discuss with you all.  If you have a child that is under the age of say, seven, you should not allow them to cross the street by themselves.  I might be okay with it if you walk them to the crosswalk and there is a crossing guard there.  Otherwise, you should be holding their hand.  What brings this on is that today, while leaving RiteAid, I saw a little girl, who was maybe 3, run across the street from her car.  Now, her father was carrying her little brother and her older sister was walking next to him.  Dad was talking on his cell phone and the little one just decided she had to cross the street.  It might have been okay if the father had hollered at the little girl or run after her.  He didn't.  He just nonchalantly crossed the road.  Then, the little girl ran into RiteAid and her dad and older sister started walking towards Food Lion.  At least the older sister went after the little girl.  Her dad didn't even seem to care.  What the hell?  I stood there and watched as she ran across the street to make sure there weren't any cars coming.  Can you imagine if some person, distracted by their cell phone or even their own kids, were to have hit that precious little baby?  I just don't understand how someone that has been blessed enough to have kids can just not care.  I realize sometimes people get distracted.  Accidents happen.  But, blatantly ignoring your kids is just plain wrong.

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