Saturday, April 16, 2011


This is what I did today.  Went to bed at 4 am.  Woke up at 11:30.  Laid around on the couch playing video games.  Tried watching Hulu Plus on the PS3, but that failed miserably.  It works fine on the PC.  It's a little irritating and makes me want to just stick with Netflix.  However, Hulu Plus does allow me to watch House the day after it airs on TV AND BBC America is available.  Do you know what that means?  BBC America starts showing the next season of Dr. Who at the end of this month.  Dr. Who!!!!!  My favorite show of all time.  It might be irritating that the only way I can watch it is by streaming on my PC, but I'm okay with that if it means I can watch Dr. Who AS IT AIRS instead of after the season is over and it comes, one disc at a time, on Netflix.  For that reason, I am excited about Hulu Plus.  After trying, and failing, to watch Hulu Plus, I laid around and started reading Mockingjay, the third installment in the Hunger Games trilogy.  I started the first book of the trilogy on Thursday, finished reading it and immediately bought the second book in the series.  The books are THAT good.  I'd have finished the third book by now, but after staying up until 4 in the morning 2 nights in a row, I decided I had to take a break and get some sleep.  I'd probably be almost finished with it right now, but Ben decided to start an episode of Reaper.  Reaper is a GREAT show.  Not sure if you've ever seen it or not.  If not, check it out.  I promise you'll like it.

Until tomorrow.


  1. I am getting a kick out of your blog and I even liked reading your poetry. I don't care for poetry that much - that's coming from a person with an English Lit background. But poetry has never been something I've taken to. "That is relevant because.....?" you are asking. Because I sorta liked reading your poetry!!

    Is 4 AM the witching hour?? I mean, why 4 AM? Why not 4 AM one night and 3 AM the next? 4 AM must be the hour of the morning that you think "Holy Mathilda! It's 4 AM. I've gotta go to bed!"

    My assumption is that you are playing video games till 4 AM?

    If you know, what is the relationship between the blogg-er and the comment-er? Or to put it in a better way, the blog and the comment? I would think the comments are feedback, a kind of AFFIRMATION, if you will, and encouragement to keep the blogger blogging. Maybe that's just me, always needing affirmation and you are definitely more the type who does not. You are blogging whether anyone chooses to leave a comment, or not. Am I right?

    Sitting on the edge of her seat, wondering what will be in the next blog,

  2. I am glad you like my poetry. I'll try to keep writing it to keep my fan(s) satisfied. I was actually up reading until 4 am. The Hunger Games trilogy ROCKED! And, yes, I suppose the relationship between blogger and commenter is one of affirmation or, even, I suppose, negation, if the commenter sees fit. I like comments. It lets me know someone is reading. Thanks Debbie!
