Friday, April 15, 2011


 Spring is one of my favorite seasons.  Fall is the other.  Maybe there is something symbiotic in that. Spring brings life, fall brings death.  Interesting.  I never thought about it that way before.  For me, I think I love those two seasons the most because they bring such wonderful smells with them.  Spring with its approaching rain, blooming flowers, and the first mow for a lawn that's been lying dormant all Winter.  Fall with its decaying leaves, cold gusts carrying the smell of freshly ripened apples, and the first hint of chimney smoke in the air.  I also like the fact that for most of the Spring and the Fall I can sleep with my windows open.  I enjoy not being stuck in a stuffy house with the dehydrating heater or air conditioner on.  I become more active in the Spring and Fall too.  I don't mind going for long walks with the dogs or hiking through the woods - catching sight of all the new buds on the trees and the striking green of everything in Spring; crunching leaves and spying the brilliant colors of the trees as the leaves change from green, to gold, red, orange, and finally, brown in the Fall.  I feel much more alive during these two seasons than I do at any other time.  They leave me breathless with excitement over the possibilities of life and the release of death. 

Until tomorrow.

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