Friday, April 22, 2011

First Time

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting yesterday.  My neck and shoulder were very sore from moving on Wednesday and I couldn't bring myself to try and type.

I just blew up a blue peep in the microwave.  Somehow I think almost everyone reading this has done that at some point in their lives.  This was my first time.  It was awesome.  I tried to record it using Ben's phone, but his microwave has a black door, so you can't really see the peep blowing up.   Still, when Ben and I watched the video afterwards, it was hilarious.  Ben is trying to upload it to FB or YouTube.  It probably won't be nearly as fun to other people as it was to he and I.   If he ever gets it up there, I'll make sure to share it on my page so you all can check it out.

Until tomorrow!

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