Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Interesting things

The interesting things I have seen so far this week:
While I was walking the dogs yesterday morning I saw two ducks checking out apartments.  It really looked like they were walking up the sidewalk to look in an apartment window and then they went down the sidewalk to another apartment.  Apparently, the marsh is a little too marshy this year and they wanted an upgrade. 
I went to the library today and on the way there I hit some construction and traffic was being diverted into one lane.  A flagman had us stopped so that the traffic coming from the opposite direction could come up the hill.  As I was sitting there waiting I noticed a little red car in the lane next to me that kept inching forward.  Only, the guy wasn’t inching forward like normal people do when they are moving their car forward while stuck in traffic.  This guy was more like feeting forward.  He was very aggressive in the way that he was going forward; as if the person in front of him was sitting there just to tick him off.  When traffic began moving again, the left lane (the one I was in), was the lane everyone needed to be in so they could continue on their merry way.  Of course, the guy in the red car was in the right lane and, immediately upon seeing the cars moving, tried to get in the left lane.  I refused to let him over.  I mean, come on, asshole.  We are all stuck in this line of traffic.  We all have places to go.  You are not any more important than the rest of us.  The guy behind me refused to let him in too, which I was very happy about.
After I left the library I was walking back to my car and saw a man sitting in front of a church smoking a cigarette.  The interesting thing was that I am pretty sure it was the pastor of the church who was sitting there in the little reflecting garden and trying to think up this Sunday’s sermon.  Okay, I’m surmising the trying to think up Sunday’s sermon, but that’s what it really looked like.  While there is nothing wrong with a pastor smoking, it is a free country, it was definitely interesting to see him sitting there puffing away.
Of course, I had to deal with traffic on the way home from the library.  This time I was the first person in line at a light, but when it changed to green there was a bus sitting right past the light on the other side of the road.  What was I supposed to do?  Cross the street and end up sitting in the middle of traffic?  I think that is what the guy behind me expected me to do.  It was a man on a motorcycle and he kept looking at me and then looking past my car like, “Why aren’t you moving?????”  I was gesturing to the bus and saying, out loud, of course, I can’t go forward, what do you want me to do.  Once the light changed again and I was able to cross the street, I was stopped once again by the bus.  Well, that motorcycle man wasn’t having any of that.  He decided it was much more important to risk his life and the lives of anyone coming the opposite direction than to sit in traffic for 30 more seconds.  He passed me, the three cars in front of me, and the bus, while he was in the opposite lane.  Thank God there wasn’t any oncoming traffic.
Like I said, some interesting things.
Until tomorrow.

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